Community Share/Presenter Frequently Asked Question

What kind of classes do you look for?

Free Spirit Gathering is looking for classes on a variety of subjects. We are looking for classes all the way from introductory level classes through advanced. We are also looking classes for children, young adults, and even classes that are for adults only.

What discounts are offered for individuals participating in Free Spirit Gathering’s community Share?

Free Spirit Gathering discounts for presenters are always on a negotiated basis, but are based upon the following guidelines:

  1. People offering one workshop or ritual are typically not given any discount, but we are willing to discuss a small discount for one class.
  2. People offering two or more workshop or ritual are typically given a small discount.
  3. People offering three or more workshops are given a substantial discount and may be compensated their registration fee entirely.
  4. Featured presenters are always fully comped, and their meals are also covered.